Nan Clayton Elementary PTA Mission
Adopted by the PTA Executive Board in April 2024

  • The Clayton Elementary Parent-Teacher Association seeks to foster a community where every
    student, family, and staff member is respected, supported, and empowered.
  • We pledge to advocate the needs and rights of students and staff by creating an
    inclusive and fair environment conducive to growth and excellence.
  • Through meaningful community engagement and collaboration, we aim to cultivate a
    culture of acceptance and belonging, celebrate individual differences, and advocate for
    equitable spaces and opportunities to ensure success and wellbeing of all Clayton
  • We strive to provide implicit value through school and community programs; teacher,
    classroom, and curriculum support; and campus improvements.


We believe in the Clayton Flight Plan



View 2023-2024 PTA Proposed Bylaws Here



2023-2024 Clayton Elementary School PTA Position Descriptions for

Executive Board Members and Non-Elected PTA Roles


Executive Board Members:* PTA Executive Board and general member meeting attendance is required. Texas PTA trainings as described within the Nan Clayton Elementary PTA bylaws and on the Texas PTA website must be completed. Stated time commitments include meeting attendance.

President: Oversee and lead PTA meetings, activities, and programs for the year. Represent the Clayton PTA at outside meetings and events. Coordination with school administration and all board members is required. Bowie Vertical Team meeting attendance is required.

Time Commitment: 32 hours per month

President-Elect: Assist the President in overseeing and leading PTA meetings, activities, and programs for the year. Represent the Clayton PTA at outside meetings and events. Coordination with school administration and all board members is required. Bowie Vertical Team meeting attendance is required.

Time Commitment: 20 hours per month

Vice-President of Programs: To create programs, jointly, for the school community and the general PTA membership, including a large annual celebratory event. Work with President to arrange speakers or community events for general PTA membership meetings. Plan and manage additional programs as needed. Work with Staff Appreciation Team to ensure they have volunteers and budget as needed. Coordination with President and school administration is required. The VP Programs is supported by the VP-Elect Programs.

Time Commitment: 1620 hours per month on average, with more or less time required depending on events that month

Vice President-Elect Programs: Work directly with the VP of Programs to plan and execute PTA programs. Learn the role of VP Programs to successfully and effectively carry out the role the following year.

Time Commitment: 1620 hours per month on average, with more or less time required depending on events that month

Vice-President of Membership: Coordinate and conduct membership drive, typically starting the week before school starts and ending October 1. Upon completion of the membership drive, continue to promote membership sales, and manage the processing. Maintain spreadsheet of all members. Send state and national dues and current spreadsheet to Texas PTA; as new memberships are processed, continue to correspond with Texas PTA. Distribute membership cards to PTA members. Promote and support the PTA. Work closely with Treasurer in order to process membership dues. Coordination with President is required. Some computer knowledge is useful because all information is recorded on a spreadsheet. Apply for monthly membership awards from Texas PTA.

Time Commitment: 510 hours per month during membership drive; 12 hours per month thereafter

Vice-President of Fundraising (and Fundraising Team Lead): Coordinate within and lead the Fundraising Team. Procure PTA community sponsors. Work with President and school administration to execute Clayton PTA’s fall fun run. Organize Clayton PTA’s spring fundraiser. The fall fun run requires coordination with fun run partner, marketing for the campaign, coordination with the Communications Lead, and all onsite, day-of needs. The spring fundraiser can be partnered with the school, may include silent and/or live auction items as well as a straight give, and may include school-based fundraising efforts. Coordination with President and Fundraising Team is required. The VP Fundraising is supported by the VP-Elect Fundraising, Sales and Services Coordinator, and Spirit Nights Coordinator.

Time Commitment: 1620 hours per month on average, with more or less time required depending on events that month

Vice President-Elect Fundraising: Work directly with the VP Fundraising to plan and execute fall and spring fundraising efforts. Seek out business sponsors for the PTA using annually revised and approved Supporter letters and Supporter Opportunities and Benefits Tiers. Work with Communications Team Lead to ensure sponsor commitments reflected in PTA communications are honored. Learn the role of VP Fundraising to successfully and effectively carry out the role the following year. Coordination with President and Fundraising Team is required.

Time Commitment: 1620 hours per month on average, with more or less time required depending on events that month

Sales and Services Coordinator: Part of the Fundraising Team. Organize the school year’s spirit t-shirt order, including design, order, sales, promotion, and distribution. Finalize design by mid-summer. Organize 1-2 additional sales for the year, such as winter spirit wear in the fall and/or Clayton swag in the early spring. Coordination with Communications Team and school administration for sales promotion is required. Coordination with President and Fundraising Team is required.

Time Commitment: 2025 hours over the summer (for the annual t-shirt) and 20 hours during the fall semester for t-shirt distribution and fall spirit wear

Spirit Nights Coordinator: Part of the Fundraising Team. Liaise with local businesses to arrange 34 Spirit Nights (or Events) per semester, where PTA receives a defined percentage of the business revenue from the event. Coordination with Communications Team for event promotion is required. Coordination with President and Fundraising Team is required.

Time Commitment: 46 hours per month

Secretary: Record, transcribe, and post all meeting minutes. Keep a record of all officer information, including Texas PTA required training. Maintain physical copies of bank account reconciliation documents. Serve as an administrator on the Google Drive, including managing email account password resets and annual transfers to new board members. Coordination with President is required.

Time Commitment: 24 hours per month

Treasurer: Responsible for financial records and transactions of the Clayton PTA. Writes all checks, deposits funds received, and maintains supporting documentation for all financial transactions. Retains sole responsibility for debit card purchases and online payments. Coordinate with President, banking institution, online payment providers, annual financial review committee, and various campus coordinators. Responsible for sending acknowledgement letters for tax purposes to donors. Create financial reports including monthly cash activity report and budget report. Prepare sales tax, federal tax and financial documents. Coordination with President and school administration is required.

Time Commitment: 24 hours per week

Communications Committee Chair: Coordinate efforts within and lead the Communications Committee. Promote PTA-sponsored events to the community via social media, email and printed flyers. Develop digital and printed flyers. Ensure communication disseminated by the committee complies with Austin ISD and PTA standard policies and procedures. Work with VP Fundraising and VP Elect Fundraising to ensure sponsor commitments reflected in PTA communications are honored. Collaborate with PTA Board members and assist with PTA lead events. Experience with social media, website, and newsletter development and/or graphic design is a plus but not required. Coordination with President, Communications Committee members, and school administration is required.

Time Commitment: Varies; on average 23 hours per week

PTA Webmaster: Part of the Communications Team. Support board members and Communications Lead with website needs. Maintain website to ensure current and relevant information is available for all stakeholders (parents, staff, community members). Support promotion of events and fundraisers, proper advertising for sponsors, provide infrastructure for sales and membership drives, and communicate benefits that PTA provides to the school community.

Time Commitment: 12 hours per week on average, with around 1015 additional hours for yearly refresh.

Volunteer Coordinator: Recruit and organize volunteer support when needed for PTA and school events. Create and maintain an online volunteer signup (via SignUpGenius) and solicit high priority needs. When required, report volunteer hours to organization staff-in-charge (eg, school National Honor Society). Answer questions from prospective volunteers regarding scope and time commitment. Coordination with all Executive Board members and school administration is required.

Time Commitment: 68 hours per month; more hours for major fall and spring events

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee Chair: The DEI Committee strives to: (1) Openly assess beliefs and practices to guard against discrimination and inequity; (2) Identify and address barriers to inclusivity; (3) Foster programs and practices to eliminate bias, prejudice, and misunderstanding; (4) Advocate for funding, laws, and regulations that support programs, policies, and services to meet the health, safety, and educational needs of all students in Texas public schools; (5) Provide resources and learning opportunities therein. This Committee will also serve to liaise with Perez Elementary in coordination with the Principal to have a joint event or other celebration for the school. Coordination with President and Principal is required.

Time Commitment: 46 hours per month, but varies with scheduled events

Campus Advisory Council (CAC) Representative: Attend CAC meetings. CAC meets 8 times per year from 3:30PM to 4:30PM. The PTA is required to give a brief report describing the activities of the PTA to the CAC. The President or CAC Representative gives this report. The CAC Representative gives a report of the CAC meeting to the PTA Executive Board at the subsequent Executive Board meeting.

Time Commitment: 25 hours per month

Austin Council of PTAs (ACPTA) Representative (1 or 2 representatives): The ACPTA Representative attends all ACPTA, Bowie Vertical Team, and Clayton PTA Executive Board and General Membership meetings. Any significant information from external meetings is relayed to the board. ACPTA holds approximately 5-6 meetings each year and the Bowie Vertical Team holds approximately 5 meetings during the school day each year. Represent Clayton by casting a vote in any ACPTA vote that is conducted at ACPTA meetings. Coordinate the Reflections Program, including advertising for the competition, coordinating the judging of entries for Clayton and then submitting them to the AISD Reflections Art Show. Coordination with President is required.

Time Commitment: 25 hours per month; additional 10-15 hours during Reflections Program

Historian: Document PTA and PTA-sponsored events throughout the year. Maintain the PTA bulletin board inside the school building with meeting dates and advertisements for PTA programs and events. Per Texas PTA bylaws, present a written summary of all PTA's events, programs, and significant information at the annual meeting. Put together an electronic compilation of documentation (e.g., photos) that represent the year’s events to publish via PTA communication channels at year’s end. Coordination with President is required.

Time Commitment: 24 hours per month

Parliamentarian: Ensures parliamentary procedure is followed for all meetings. Assist in updating Bylaws and Standing Rules as necessary. Advise Nominating Committee in the spring. Coordination with President and Nominations Committee is required.

Time Commitment: 24 hours per month

Non-Elected PTA Roles: PTA general member meeting attendance is required. PTA Executive Board meeting attendance is encouraged.

PTA Newsletter: Part of the Communications Committee. Support PTA communication by developing the weekly PTA newsletter. Collaborate with Communications Chair and PTA Board members to promote activities led by PTA, Nan Clayton Elementary, and the Clayton community. With Committee Chair, develop flyers and graphics for distribution via newsletter, website, and social media. Coordination with Communications Chair and President is required. Experience with newsletter development and/or graphics is a plus but not necessary.

Time Commitment: 2-3 hours per week

PTA Directory: Part of the Communications Committee. Responsible for maintaining the school directory on Membership Toolkit. Parents must enter their children’s information into the Directory as an “opt in” resource, independent of any enrollment database. Only current families and staff are allowed access to the Directory and information made public by parents.

Time Commitment: 5 hours during summer and beginning of school year; 1 hour per month thereafter

Staff Appreciation Coordinator: Plan 2-3 staff appreciation events per semester and oversee Festive FriYAY planning. Coordination with President, VP Programs, and school administration is required.

Time Commitment: 46 hours per month

SPED Coordinator: Assess school-related needs unique to staff and families in the special education department. Bring concerns/needs to the PTA Executive Board. Coordination with President and DEI Committee Chair is required.

Time Commitment: 12 hours per month

*Any elected executive board position not designated in the Nan Clayton Elementary PTA bylaws may be reallocated as a non-elected PTA role.

†Required executive board role per Nan Clayton Elementary PTA’s bylaws.

‡ A non-elected PTA role may be reallocated as an elected board position with board consensus.


The Clayton PTA is required to inform members of a proposed change to our bylaws with 30 days notice prior to a vote, which will take place at the Tuesday, April 30th General Member Meeting. Please note the Clayton PTA is proposing to amend the bylaws to increase member dues by $0.50. Texas PTA membership dues, which includes the portion local PTAs submit to Texas PTA, have increased by $0.50. As such, the Clayton PTA will also increase its member dues by $0.50.